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Two lifelong friends, a special FX makeup artist and a local news reporter, shake their fists at movies & TV and whatever else comes up. Formerly called 'The Mobile Horror Companion.' 

Dec 10, 2018

The boys find a rare consensus as they gush over Nicholas Cage's phantasmagoric tour de force MANDY.

Nov 26, 2018

As The Walking Dead airs its mid-season 9 finale, the boys fall back and regroup to discuss the current state of the show and speculate on what's in store for the post-Rick...

Oct 29, 2018

It's a dark and spooky night on the eve of Halloween as the boys gather 'round the Jack-o-lantern to discuss their plans and the all-around state of horror on the genre's biggest day of the...

Oct 22, 2018

Joe & Spears (and silent guest star Vince) are left to their own devices at CT Horrorfest.  They discuss 80s horror/comedies, convention musings and Spears crashes an episode of Pint o Comics' podcast in an amazing one-sided...